Increase beverage sales with the Beverage Platform

  • Increases the speed of work by 10 times
  • Improves the quality of drinks
  • And most importantly, it increases your profit
Beverage Platform

All drinks in one place

Our proprietary Multi beverage technology allows you to quickly pour various drinks strictly according to the technical card:

  • Coffee and tea
  • Fruit drinks and juices
  • Lemonades and soda
  • Water and boiling water
  • And other drinks

And also dispense toppings and syrups in a dosed manner, which completely eliminates theft and overspending.

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All drinks in one place
The possibilities of beverage technologies from i-Retail

The possibilities of beverage technologies from i-Retail

Manage financial flows

СThe system allows you to:

  • set up the distribution of both paid and free drinks
  • manage limits, for example, 1 cup for free, and the rest for money

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Manage financial flows

The client will always be with you

Modern software allows you to issue electronic loyalty cards with bonuses and coupons

  • Each customer receives welcome points after registration
  • You can independently issue promo codes and coupons to customers, for example, for a cup of coffee as a gift

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Remind the customer about you with Geo-push

When the client is nearby, the system will use PUSH notifications to remind him that you can drink a cup of natural, fragrant coffee or have a delicious meal very close by.

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Remind the customer about you with Geo-push

Easy integration

The open API allows you to:

  • integrate beverage technologies with an external accounting system
  • manage the station from your POS system

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Easy integration

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